Why blog?

    Why put a blog up on my website? I'll be honest, I don't know if anyone's actually wondering that. I don't expect my personal website to be something that many people see. I'm only expecting about two whole people at most to even bother reading this, and perhaps those two people have clicked off by now. And the funny thing is, I'm not even done constructing the main parts of my site at the time of writing this. So why would I even do this?

    Why do this?

    I want this blog so I can have a space to talk about anything I wanted. To put my thoughts out there. It's a personal blog, so it's not here to be "marketing material" or AI generated slop like some articles on the internet are nowadays. I'm just a little weirdo on the internet who wants to talk about my little weirdo interests. I wanted a place to talk about some of the games I play, my incredibly niche music taste, and anything else that interests me. Fun facts, a tier list of my favorite colors, WWI dazzle camo, anything I want.

    Why on a personal Neocities website?

    But why a blog on my personal Neocities website? Couldn't I go make posts on other, more mainstream websites? One of the reasons that writing my posts on my own personal space on the internet appeals to me greatly is BECAUSE it's not owned by a massive corporation with weird moderation. Neocities isn't owned by some dirtbag billionaire who's trying wayyy too hard to be "quirky" and liked by everyone while also pushing a weird agenda onto users. It's a service that lets people host their own websites, so I can do whatever I want on my own website. For one, I can swear. FUCK! See? There's no robot to kick my ass for swearing! Isn't that awesome? But swearing isn't the most important thing about the lack of censorship on my own damn platform. I don't have to use dumbass words or weird alternatives to say that something or someone DIED. I can just say died, not "unalived." I don't have to say "that big thing that happened in 2020," I can straight up mention the Covid-19 pandemic directly, by its own name, and not be blasted off the face of the earth for doing so "because it's not good for investors." I'm free to use my words here.

    Since it's my own website that I'm posting to, I'm allowed to post about whatever I want, granted it's not harmful or criminal in nature (which it will not be, I prommy). I'm not restricted to posting about just one topic only. It's not solely gonna be reviews of the Pikmin game franchise, or only talking about the complexities of specific songs in the instrumental progressive metal genre. I can talk about whatever topics I want in my blog, no matter how different it is from the other posts. With Zonelots, I can put my blog posts under different tags to organize them, which is great. There's so many things that interest me, so limiting myself to just one thing seems so boring.

    There's no comment section on my blog. I personally LOVE that there's no comment section here, at least on my website. No malicious weirdos to come in and purposefully misunderstand my words or be deliberately obtuse about anything I say. There's no one to come in and hijack my post to derail whatever I'm saying and make it about something else, something that I haven't even touched on in said post. Why? Because it's MY blog. My blog that's put up in my personal space that I carved out on the internet. Not for someone else to butt in and bring their own soapbox. Sure, there's comments on the Neocities site itself, but you'll likely not see those if you just visit the blog and the rest of my specific site alone. The comments are somewhere else, away from my blog post, not taking away the main point of whatever the post has to say. I get to yell at a wall in peace.

    Why does it have to be a blog?

    Sure, I could put my thoughts into video or podcast format, but I don't want to do that. Text-based mediums are my personal preferred way of getting information out there. For one, it's the simplest. I just write about whatever into Notepad++, tag it right, and upload the files to Neocities. I don't have to record audio and do retakes because I said something in a weird way or because my voice is just weird and inconsistent in general. And even better, I don't have to worry about people not hearing what I said properly BECAUSE it's text. If someone wants to find something I talked about specifically, they can either scroll up to one of the headers or just Ctrl + F and find it in the page, or however else they can find it in a page.

    Text is just... less annoying for me, less than talking is. No having to hear the constant "huh? whuh?" over anything I said because someone was on their phone watching TikToks or blasting music in their ears. No one to interrupt me or talk over me in the middle of a sentence. No having to hear "I don't know what that meeeansssuh! 😫" when I can just link an article explaining what I'm talking about or go tell people to look it up if they don't understand without derailing my entire spiel. No one to tell me that "no one cares" about whatever I'm talking about and to "drop it." To put it simply, one of the reasons I like text over other means of communication is because there's no noise involving other people. I have so much to talk about, and on my blog, no one else can hold me back.

    So, whoever's reading this, if any, thank you. I hope you enjoy what I have to say.